Friday, March 19, 2010

POSIT Marketplace™ - New Dark Pool in Asia

ITG has launched new Dark Pool in Asia with objective of reducing Trading Cost. How ?

Trading costs are primarily affected by three factors. POSIT Marketplace helps to address them all:

1) Spreads – POSIT Marketplace aims to cross orders at the mid-point or better, saving half the bid/offer spread on each trade.
2) Market impact costs – by only executing in dark pools and therefore maintaining pre-trade anonymity, POSIT Marketplace reduces information leakage to the market, a significant factor in managing trading costs.
3) Delay costs – trade cost analysis shows that the largest factor in trading costs is delay, i.e. the amount of time taken to get the order done. By aggregating liquidity across a range of dark destinations, POSIT Marketplace increases the likelihood and frequency of orders being filled, minimizing delay.

The system is currently available for trading Hong Kong equities, with Australia and Japan to follow.

Source : ITG.

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