Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Liquidity fragmentation in Europe and Consolidated tape

Thomson Reuters has published "White Paper" on the issue of liquidity fragmentation in Europe and need for consolidated tape.
They have talked about two types of tapes 1. Consolidated Quote and 2.Consolidated Trade Tape.
I think concept of consolidated tape is nothing but benchmarking to compare pre-trade and post-trade data for the purpose of regulatory compliance (i.e. MifiD) as well as for transaction cost analysis.
As we know, Best Execution is not a strict definition. It varies as per client needs and an agreement between Buy and Sell Side. In the absence of consolidated tape,  BUY Side will have to end up in getting Sell Side version of "best execution". "Best Execution" will also change per broker.
Buy side should be able to get the COMPARATIVE view of best execution for trades executed on any exchange/ATS/MTF via any broker/s.
Hence, there is need of two benchmarks for comparison.
Best Execution [Market]: This will be derived from consolidated tape.[Not Available]
Best Execution [Client]: This will be derived as per Client specific needs. [Currently Provided]
By taking all Best Execution parameters into account, Buy side will be able to validate size, price, venue and trading cost from consolidated tape with the executions received from broker. This will give Buy side an idea about degree to which they have actually received best execution, increasing transparency.

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